Surya Periaswamy

Graduate Research Assistant @Northeastern University Previously: Motorola Solutions / GSoC'19 / Forge


I am a dedicated software engineer with an unwavering passion for crafting scalable, resilient, and high-performance software systems. My journey in the tech landscape has led me to collaborate with esteemed organizations like the NetBSD Foundation, Mozilla Firefox, Redare2, and Motorola Solutions, where I’ve honed my expertise in developing robust solutions.

Currently, I am on a dual quest for knowledge. Alongside pursuing my master’s degree in Computer System Engineering, I am actively engaged as a Graduate Research Assistant at Northeastern University. In this role, I proudly oversee Northeastern’s HPC cluster “Discovery,” implementing automation scripts that streamline cluster management. My commitment to excellence resonates deeply as I seamlessly navigate between academia and practical application.

My passion for the art of software engineering is unwavering. From delving into the intricacies of kernel and device drivers to creating dynamic web applications, my skills span the entire spectrum. Beyond my software engineering prowess, I am fervently drawn to problem-solving. My time is devoted to platforms like CodeChef, Codeforces, and LeetCode, where I thrive on staying ahead of emerging algorithms and data structures.

Competitiveness is ingrained in my approach. I enthusiastically participate in hackathons and capture the flag competitions, embracing each challenge as an opportunity to stretch my skills and emerge stronger.